Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I guess I should have warned all of you that I was going to take the summer off. If was an impromptu decision. Basically, I needed to brain fart for a while (plus, it doesn't help that I'm addicted to Farmtown on Facebook). After last school year, the summer was a welcomed break. Fighting with Triscuit over school everyday was really wearing me out. Plus, having to keep Toblerone busy all the time during Triscuits schooling was also pretty tiring. The older Toblerone gets, the faster he gets bored. I was having to come up with new strategies everyday to keep him quiet and busy! But alas...I'm back...and we're back to school. *sigh*.

Triscuit began school again on August 3rd. If I remember correctly, I did inform you all that Triscuit was going to repeat 2nd grade. We have begun this process...and it's turning out to be excellent! The first day back is usually the hardest. Getting back into the routine can be rough...getting up, getting breakfast, taking his medication, having a bit of playtime (also allowing time for the medication to take effect) THEN buckling down. It was a little difficult, but not TOO bad. Then, the "blow away" began. The second day he started off with, "Mom, I want to start school". When he said that, I about fell over! So, instead of letting him have playtime, I got his math book out. He sat down, took his pencil out and looked at his lesson. I began to reteach the lesson (basic addition). He gives me this look:

and says:

Triscuit: "Mom...I KNOW how to do this."

Well...EXCUSE me! Usually, I would be upset with him taking this attitude with me...but I'll let this one slide. Triscuit finished 4 lessons in an hour! Then, we went on to Language arts. Mind you, THIS subject is NOT a repeat. Because he was always a year behind in Phonics and Language arts, we are now doing all work at grade level. He BLEW through an Aesop fable...he read it SILENTLY (which is a HUGE thing for him), answered ALL the questions correctly AND told me the moral of the story (without any help). He went on to read on his own, then practiced his handwriting for 30 minutes. Science was next. He was able to name all the scientific tools I showed him...again, with no help. I's like teaching a totally different child! It's AWESOME! If you think this happened just once, you're mistaken. This has happened EVERYDAY since. We are now on our 8th day of school...and it's the same. He would rather get school done and over with. He sits down, blows through his math in NO time flat...blows through his Language Arts with almost no problems (yesterday, he had a slight meltdown...but that was only because after he read a story, they asked some "critical thinking" questions...something he isn't used to), then blows through History and Science. He is really amazing me!!!! The whole purpose of him repeating his 2nd grade year was because, honestly, I didn't think he retained that much last year and he didn't complete all required lessons to continue on to 3rd grade. With all the problems he had sitting still, focusing, listening, reading...ANYTHING that required concentration, it just didn't seem he learned much. BOY...was I WRONG! YES...I said it...and I will say it again...I WAS WRONG (mark that on your calendar...because I won't admit it again for a while)!!!

So, that's what life is like right now. Back to the school grindstone....all I have to do is figure out what to do with Toblerone. HE'S a whole other post I will try and get to later today!

Thank you to those who were kind enough to ask "Where the heck I went". I appreciate the fact you guys care! Oh...and I promise the next post will be WAAAY funnier!

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