Update on Triscuit
Triscuit is doing beautifully in school. He flew through his 2nd grade math in less than a semester. He has now officially been moved up to 3rd grade math. He received his books mid week last week and will be starting it on Monday. We also took him to an orthodontist to get evaluated for braces. He will be getting his braces put on next Wednesday (and yes, I will be posting pictures. I know...I'm so mean). Triscuit now stands at 4'4. I haven't weighed him in a while, but he's eating everything in sight. This morning he had 2 pop tarts and a muffin (the muffins we buy are HUGE). Two hours later, he's hungry again. It's awesome to see him eating so much! Each day that goes by, I see him maturing more and more in every way. His communication skills have greatly improved and he's not having meltdowns nearly as much as before. He'll have a few here and there, but that's only if he thinks he's going to fail at something. He's a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to certain aspects of his little life. Physically speaking, he's getting taller, his face is changing and he's becoming a "little man". I will be searching for an aluminum baseball bat soon. I'm going to need it to keep the girls away!
Update on Toblerone
Forget terrible two's. He didn't go through that...but he IS going through the impossible three's (or throttling three's). Forget trying to help him do anything. Mr. Independent will YELL at you if you even try to wipe his nose. He has suddenly lost his ability to hear right. If I say, "Toblerone! Stay out of Mommy's purse!" He hears, "TOBLERONE! Take everything out of Mommy's purse and spread it all over the house!" He will, deliberately, do the exact opposite of what you are asking/telling him to do. I know this is a phase, but it's an annoying one. Toblerone has, of course, grown too. He's currently standing at 3'11 and weighs 70 lbs. Yes my friends, he's huge! On a very positive note, he is fully potty trained! WOOT! No more diapers! And no, we will NOT be having anymore children (unless God unties my tubes, there isn't a chance in Hades).
One last thing before I go. We have had a change in our dog family. We have officially adopted my sister's dog, Eddie. She (yes, Eddie is a she) is part Chihuahua, part Jack Russell and part little booger. She's a puppy (9 or 10 months old), so Weenie and I have training to put her through. Even though Toblerone is potty trained, my mad skills at helping potty train are still needed (Drat). She's a really good little doggy, but must learn her place. Our 12 year old Pomeranian, Bear, isn't too happy about our addition. He's such an old fart who is stuck in his ways. He isn't thrilled with her puppy-esque enthusiasm, either. He'll often grunt and growl, mean-mug and bare his teeth at her. It's quite funny to watch, yet pathetic at the same time.
Here she is...Eddie.
She looks like a Fennec Fox, doesn't she?