Friday, September 17, 2010

Update...on Life

I must apologize, yet again, for neglecting my blog. This time, I have very valid reasons.

Reason Number 1 - Mum is in school

I have made it to class every single flippin' day that classes are scheduled. I have also managed to maintain an A+ average! Studying, studying, and more studying, makes it difficult to sit down and find time to blog (also updating Facebook/Twitter is much quicker than blogging). So, those of you that follow me on blogspot should find me on FB (if you're interested, let me know and I'll tell you my real name). School is going beautifully and I'm loving almost every minute of class (with the exception of the current class I'm taking..."Administrative Procedures").

I have gotten used to my instructor and his sense of humor. Imagine, if you will, a person with a laid back temperament, sarcastic sense of humor, and the tolerance of a saint...who was in the U.S. Army for 20 years. He LOVES to give his students hell, and last night, I was his target.
Every Thursday and Friday, we have exams. Thursday is terminology and Friday is our exam for the week on the material we cover. Like always, I studied my butt off for these tests. This week was a little different...we had today off (Friday), so all tests were taken last evening (Thursday). I'm a stickler for things being "just so" when it comes to academics. Well, last night, he threw us off by giving us the test differently. Because it wasn't the way I was used to, it took me longer to get through my first test (I was the last one taking it). I guess I asked for it when I threw him my test and said, "I feel SOOO retarded." His response? "Your bus is waiting out front. You know...the short one."

Although I ACED both tests, I still felt like that "special" kid who forgot her helmet at home. He can be an ornery brat, but I must admit, I'm going to miss him when I'm finished with school (which is only 2 months and one week away...then on to my externship).

Reason Number 2 - BOTH Boys are in School

Monday through Friday, I'm in school from 7:15pm to 10:45pm. By the time I get home, it's 11:00pm. You would think I would be exhausted by the time I drag my butt in from the car, but nope. It's incredibly difficult for me to go to bed right away. It takes me quite a while to come down from a night full of dental procedures, teeth, and computer crap. I would say my bed time is around 1:00am. Five and a half hours later, it's time to get the boys ready for school.

6:30am - Here's me in the morning (and since Toblerone is still making it a habit of waking up at the butt crack of dawn, amplify my bitchiness 10 fold. Put it to you this way, we rarely wake up to the sound of our alarm clock).

Instead of staying in his room, Toblerone makes his way upstairs to wake up Triscuit. Since neither of them know what the meaning of "quiet" is, loud giggling, foot stomping, and window shaking madness ensues. Both of them ARE morning people. When I finally roll out of bed, I'm greeted by two insanely happy children (imagine this times two):

This, in theory, SHOULD make me feel better...and for a brief moment, it does. THEN comes the dreaded morning routine. Toblerone has this down to a science, but Triscuit? It's a whole different ball game. Holy crap, this kid CANNOT get the morning routine down. It's the SAME every stinkin' morning. Get up, make his lunch, get dressed (he showers at night since he loves to play around and sing in the shower), shoes and socks, brush his teeth, brush his hair, TAKE HIS PILL, get his backpack on and head out the door. This process should take no more than 20 minutes. But for Triscuit? It takes 40 minutes. Half the time he's either chasing the dog around or pretending he's "SONIC the Hedgehog". I'm thinking I need to give him his Ritalin the minute he wakes up...maybe that will help.

7:15am - Weenie and I take boys to school. Boys are IN CLASS by 7:30am.

7:30am - Weenie and I have a 20-30 minute commute to his work
(we only have one car), where I drop him off.

8:20am-10:20am - This is "ME" time. This usually consists of coffee, checking e-mail, updating Facebook/Twitter, turning music on, then studying.

10:20-10:40 - Leave to get Toblerone from preschool, come back home. Now come daily chores. Laundry, cleaning, and various other activities.

2:20-2:40 - It's back to school to get Triscuit (who has been doing EXCELLENT in school, by the way). Once home, Triscuit sits down to do his homework.

3:00 - It's time for ME to get ready for school.

4:30 - We leave to get Weenie from work,

5:15 - We arrive home, I make dinner

6:30 - I'M off to school.

So, have an idea of what my days consist of. Yes, I'm tired...BUT, I'm enjoying it. I love the fact that both boys look forward to school everyday. I love the fact that both boys are doing sooo well! I love the fact that, even though our lives are busy, we are all HAPPY. Things will be even better after I start working!

I will try and get to a few more blogs by the time the week begins. The boys have been saying some crazy stuff lately and I have some really funny stuff to share.