Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ann Taintor

While on the trip with my sister to Imperial Beach last November, we decided to scurry over Seaport Village. In one of their bookstores, we came across some work by Ann Taintor. If you've never heard of will NOW. The sis and I stood there for quite some time going through the different merchandise and just CRACKING up!

Here is her website...

This woman is a genius! Her humor is right up my alley, too. The sis bought me 2 magnets and one grocery shopping list pad with THESE on them....

And my PERSONAL favorite:

While looking at this magnet this morning (half awake TRYING to make coffee), I thought, "I haven't seen ALL of her work." I went to the website and was laughing my HEAD off!!! I found some more favorites, and thought I'd share... my younger years (and I STILL tend to do this...just not so much)


I want this one in poster size:

I feel like this most of the time with my rice cakes:

Weenie's NOT an idiot, but I thought this was rather true for some of the other guys I know:

We ALL know one of these:

Come on ladies...we ALL have felt this way:

I had this dream last night:

There are a LOT more on the website (I just chose my favorites). Please go take a look! There are also stories from the families of some of these women that posed for the pictures. If you want a consist ant laugh (especially early in the morning), you need to purchase some of these magnets. It never fails...I laugh every morning!


Ashley. Unscripted... said...

I love Ann Taintor. My 2009 planner is hers. It's hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I hve these ALL over my locker at of which is the "who wants Mommy's low fat snack bar?" ! Love them!! Also have a key chain that says medicated and motivated! Rox