Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Six Foot Six??? HOLY CRAP!

I know I've mentioned before that Toblerone is a rather large child for his age. He's not fat....he's just TALL and STOCKY. Since Toblerone just turned 2 (that magic age of FINALLY being able to determine just HOW big he might be), we decided to take weights and measurements. Before I give you the statistic for your enjoyment, let me precede it with this:


There...that should give you an idea of what I'm going to tell you!

His current weight is : 44 pounds 6 oz.
His current height is: 40.5 inches

Now...for those of you not QUITE getting it yet...this should bring it home for you. When a child turns two, you can do the "two years times two" method. Measure your kid when he/she is two and then multiply it TIMES two...

Toblerone's estimated height is:

6 foot 6.2 inches tall!!!!!!!

Since we will be eaten out of house and home before Toblerone turns 10, Weenie and I have decided to open a seperate savings account just for our future noshing (food) needs. If you would like to contribute, please leave a comment and don't forget to include your bank account information (I'm kidding, of course).

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