Monday, September 21, 2009

Santa's Not REAL???

Each parent/set of parents are different when it comes to Santa Claus. Some parental units don't want their kids to believe in Santa...because it takes away from the true meaning of Christmas...Jesus' birth. Some parental units allow the belief in Santa as well as teaching that Jesus is the real reason for Christmas.

This issue was a small source of contention between Weenie and I when Triscuit was smaller. Weenie didn't want Triscuit to focus on Santa...he wanted Triscuit to understand WHY we celebrate Christmas, and Santa wasn't it. But, because I wasn't allowed to believe in Santa Claus when I was little, I felt I missed out on all the fun. When I was smaller, I remember laying awake on Christmas Eve listening to every noise...just HOPING to hear a sleigh bell or a "thump" on the roof. I even remember looking out my window up towards the sky to see if I could catch Santa's sleigh flying over the house. I wanted SO badly to prove my parents wrong! As I grew older, I understood why my parents did what they did. I understood the point. But, when I finally became a mom, I realized that I had a VERY valid point, too. Your children get just ONE shot at childhood. Santa represents love, goodwill, giving and teaches youngsters to be on their best behavior! Santa is a part of growing up. So, let your kids be kids and have fun! With a little explaining and persuading, Weenie caved in. We started the Santa ritual when Triscuit was about 3 and oh, how we had fun with it! This past year had to have been the best one. Weenie had gone out and bought a bunch of Transformers action figures. He got them out of the package and set them up on the living room floor, as if they were having a battle. It was GREAT! Triscuit came down all wide eyed and excited! Just as I had hoped, he had lied awake for a while on Christmas Eve...listening for noises and questioning how Santa was going to get into the house, since we didn't have a fireplace.

Unfortunately, as with every child, they grow up (and too quickly). Weenie has been wanting to tell Triscuit for the past few months about Santa's mortality. Because I'm the typical mother, I wanted just ONE more year. To tell a child that Santa isn't real is forcing us mom's to come face to face with the realization that our children are growing up. I kept putting Weenie off, telling him, "Let me think about the best way to tell him", just hoping Weenie would get the fact I didn't want to let Santa go. Well, our niece B-Boo accidentally let the cat out of the bag.

While the kids were out back playing last evening, the conversation turned to Santa. B-Boo told Triscuit that Santa was a myth. And, as you can probably guess, Triscuit was rather upset. He came in from outside and said,

Triscuit - *Tears in his eyes* "Mooom! B-Boo said Santa was a myth!"

Mum - "Uhhh...Weenie?!?! You need to have a talk with Triscuit."

Weenie - "About what?"

Mum - "Santa."

Weenie gets this rather pleased look on his face, grabs Triscuit and takes him outside to talk to him. Apparently things went better than I had hoped. Weenie comes in from outside LAUGHING.

Mum - "Did everything go OK? Why are you laughing?"

Weenie - "Oh yeah. He understood. You want to know what his main concern was?"

Mum - "What?"

Weenie - "While explaining to him that you and I are really Santa, he said, 'Then, can YOU guys get me the toys I want?'"

I think Triscuit was ready to let Santa go (even if Mommy wasn't)....just as long as he still gets the loot. TYPICAL KID! least I still have Toblerone. I just need to make sure Triscuit gets caught up in the fun of playing Santa. This year, I'll be taking Triscuit out Christmas shopping...just the two of us. I'll let him pick out the toys for Toblerone, let HIM set up the toys in the living room, stuff the stockings and write the note from "Santa". Hopefully, Triscuit won't be naughty and tell Toblerone too early. I think letting Triscuit do this for his little brother will help ensure he does the same for HIS kids when he grows up.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I have put the fear of Chad into Brendan & Ryan about not telling TJ this year. I want a few more years!!