Friday, January 9, 2009

And the REAL Conversing Begins!

As I've mentioned before, Toblerone is FINALLY starting to talk. It's almost as if someone flipped on a light switch and all of the sudden "Sir Grunts-a-lot" becomes "Yabberwokee". Along with his vocabulary increasing everyday, his personality is emerging along with it. I swear...Weenie and I just crack UP at him sometimes! Here are a few examples.
While preparing a home made stew a few days ago, Toblerone would come running into the kitchen, snatch some baby carrots and flee. While he was finishing noshing his carrot in the other room, I switched from cutting up carrots, to cutting up celery. If any of you have kids, you are well aware of a little show called "Wonder Pets".

At the end of each show, these little guys celebrate their teamwork by eating celery. Toblerone's favorite character is the duck...Ming Ming.

Toblerone comes running into the kitchen thinking he's going to snatch another carrot...and what does he see? Celery! I hear this EXCITED shriek and then:

Toblerone: "Mama! Petch (Pets)...Nom...Min Min!!!"

It took me a sec, but after the second repeat of the phrase...I caught what he was saying. It totally blew me away!
Yesterday while Weenie was getting ready to leave for work, Toblerone walks up to me and says:

Toblerone: "Dada...Bye Bye?"

Mum: "Yes, honey. Daddy's going to work."

Toblerone: "Dada..wook?"

Mum: "Yes...Daddy's going to work. He'll be back later tonight."

Toblerone: "Dada NO wook. Dada HOME."

Mum: "No sweetie...Daddy HAS to go to work. He'll be back later."

Toblerone: "Dada...bap (back) shoo (soon)?"

Mum: "Yes...Daddy will be back soon."

20 minutes later...Toblerone runs to the front door.

Toblerone: "Dada...home?"

Mum: "No. Daddy isn't home. Daddy's at work. He'll be back later."

Toblerone: "Dada...bap shoo?"

Mum: *TRYING to get his mind off of Daddy* "Come on sweetie...let's go color."

Later in the evening, when Weenie DOES come home...there is this almost hysterical laughter when he hears the alarm beep on the car.

Toblerone: "DA DA!!!! HOME...HOME!!!! DA DA!!! HI!!!!"
Today, I decided I was going to play "Animal Crossing" while Triscuit was doing some independant phonics work (on the computer). I sit down in the middle of the floor, controller in hand, JUST about ready to start...when Toblerone gets RIGHT in front of me, squats down to look in my face (yes, he's THAT tall), his eyes about an inch from mine and says:

Toblerone: "What doin?"

Mum: "Playing a game."

Toblerone: *Pointing to the controller* "Mama...what dat?"

Mum: "Controller to play the game."

Toblerone: "Oh." *bends down and hugs me* "Mishoo".

Mum: "What?"

Toblerone: "Mishoo"

I still didn't understand what he was saying. So about 10 minutes later, I had to use the loo. When I came BACK upstairs, he RUNS up to me, hugs my leg and says:

Toblerone: "MAMA!" *squeezes my leg as hard as he can* "MISHOO!!!"

Ahhh....I GOT it that time... MISS YOU!

I found this pic today. I took it to show you just HOW tall Toblerone was compared to our Christmas tree.


kbd224 said...

My son's vocabulary came the same way. He was a late talker, but when he started talking, he spoke in sentences and has not shut up since!!

Anonymous said...

At least his first sentance wasn't Trisquit is a poo poo head....hehehe