Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Finally CHRISTMAS!!!

The boys had gone to bed about 10:30pm on Christmas Eve. I stayed up for a while trying to wrap last minute Christmas presents before MY side of the family arrived on Christmas morning. I think I went to bed around Midnight. I set the alarm for 5:00am to get up to make sure "Santa" left his goodies and stuff the stockings. I had all of that done in 20 minutes. I had a list of what I wanted to get done BEFORE 9:00am, but did it happen? Noooo...THIS Mum fell asleep on the flippin' COUCH! Weenie woke me up at 6:00am (when the kids woke up) and made me go lay back down on the bed. I don't even remember that....all I remember is waking up at 8:00am, in BED, and thinking, "What? Why am I here? I was stuffing stockings....!" Then, I look at the clock. SHEER PANIC set in! HOLY CRAP! I have SO much to do and not enough time to do it in! The parental units, sister and nephew were to arrive at 9:00am and I hadn't even hooked myself up to the coffee IV yet! Thank GOD for parents that understand. They didn't come until quarter till 10:00am. PHEW!

Usually, OUR tradition of opening presents is this: "OK! 1-2-3...GO!" Nope...not THIS year. My parents actually wanted to watch the kids open everything and see their little faces. Of course, they got a TON of loot! Money, toys, learning laptops, stuffed animals, balls (PLUSH ones...THANK YOU MOM), cars, MARKERS (thank you for getting WASHABLE ones) and of course, CANDY. One thing I noticed was that EACH side of the family bought my children one of THESE:

Yup...it's a pooping reindeer. Complete with caramel and coconut flavored "poop". Thank you oh SO much for those. You have NO idea the joy it has brought my children. There is nothing like carrying on a conversation with your kids about WHY we aren't going to eat "poop" so early in the morning. Triscuit didn't bug us so much about it, but Toblerone? As you all know, that seems to be his favorite subject....

Toblerone: (Pointing with his chubby little fingers) "Da da...handy (candy)! Poop!"

Weenie gets down the nasty thing, fills it up with poop (his neck has a hinge on it, so you don't lose the head when you fill him up), shows Toblerone how it works (push down on it's back, his legs disappear into it's body...kind of like it's squatting), makes a BIG mistake and adds a grunting sound effect as if the poor thing is constipated, and out pops a piece of poo. All I could do was make these two faces:

For the next fifteen to twenty minutes, I hear Toblerone making the grunting sound, followed by "POOP!" while laughing hysterically! I'm convinced that BOTH sides got them these so they could later read just how much "fun" I had with it. Well guys...you got your wish. Next time we come over, I will give Toblerone the pooping reindeer to bring to you. YOU can carry on the conversation with him...because, frankly, I'm rather tired of hearing, "Mama...mowa (more) poop!" Oh...and thank you again...EVER so much.

1 comment:

kbd224 said...

LMAO!!!! The candy poop from each side of the family is hilarious! Now, if my kids got those, not so funny! lol