Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Better Late Than Never (Triscuit's B-Day Pics)

Here are the pictures that I promised you guys TWO months ago! Sorry so late...been kinda busy!

Yes...that IS a black eye! Triscuit and Toblerone were wrestling and Toblerone hit Triscuit in the eye with his HEAD. Pretty bad when you can hear the heads knocking together then a blood curdling SCREAM.

Random, SILLY picture of Triscuit. He looks stoned...doesn't he? HA HA HA HA!!

Awwww! Triscuit is VERY close to my sister. He LOVES his "Nani"!

Triscuit's birthday cake. We couldn't find any place that did a "Ben 10" cake, so we improvised. I baked it and Weenie decorated. I thought he did a REALLY good job! The cake was good, too!

We have a LOT of pictures of him opening his presents...and ALL pictures have the SAME expression! SO, I will spare you the redundancy and only post one.
Triscuit's FAVORITE birthday present! The BEN 10 watch! This watch is HUGE! I wish I could have gotten a picture of it on his wrist. Makes him look puny!
I don't know why, but whenever I see this look on his face, it makes me laugh! MR. SUAVE, trying to be all cool!

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