Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy Birthday, Ren Ren!

My bestest friend in the WHOLE wide world turns 30(mumble mumble) tomorrow (Sept 10th). So, to share with you just how much I LOVE her...I'm going to tell you a little about her.

Ren Ren has been my best friend since junior high...although we DO believe we met when we were younger (around 4 or so. Our dads used to work together at Honeywell). As with MANY friendships, we've had our ups and our downs...but no matter WHAT, we have ALWAYS gotten through them. She's like my second sister...and to be honest, I don't think I would BE here today without having her in my life. I know, I know...I'm getting sappy, but tomorrow is a special day for her. Instead of sending a birthday card (which by the way got RETURNED today), posting a message on MySpace and sending and E-Card (yes...I do ALL of them), I have decided to post THIS:

I have truly been blessed for you as my best friend.
You've been there for me through happy and sad,
Through joy and pain, through laughter and tears.

You've picked me up when I have fallen and
You've brought me back to earth when I've been too high in the clouds.

You have NO idea how much you mean to me...and probably never will.

I love you with all of my heart and I wish I could be with you tomorrow as you turn 30 (mumble mumble). I miss you, my bestest friend!



Anonymous said...

Thank you so much sweetie what you wrote brought tears to my eyes. I love you and your family lots n lots n lots.....

Coolerboy said...

Gotta hang on to friends like that! Happy birthday Ren Ren!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Ren! I think of you each year on your birthday...... Hope all is well.
ox daisy