Friday, December 5, 2008

Mom? Was That YOU???? Oh Wait....

Something just flew out of my mouth that I have NEVER heard myself say (or think).....

As Triscuit and Toblerone were running around with the usual afternoon spazzies (the hours between 3 and 5 are "spaz" time in this house), they begun opening and SLAMMING closed doors.

Mum: "TRISCUIT!!! TOBLERONE!!! STOP SLAMMING DOORS! You guys need to come downstairs, sit in the living room and SETTLE DOWN!"

Of course, I'm either NOT heard or they're deliberately ignoring me...

Mum: "TRISCUIT....TOBLERONE....NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Again, no response other than intense shrieking and yelling from room to room....


Ummmmmm........WHAT did I just say?!?!?! I could have sworn my Mother just jumped into my body and took over!

The "sound like your Mother" file just increased in size.....

I wonder what will fly out of my mouth NEXT time?

1 comment:

kbd224 said...

It has always scared me when that happens! Of course the hubby thinks it's hilarious to tell the kids "I'll turn this car around..."