Wednesday, December 3, 2008

NO! MINE!!!!!

Ah yes....the ever so wonderful world of a 2 year old. Now that Toblerone is saying simple sentences (and yes, he HAS said a few more sentences...unfortunately, the subject matter has involved poop everytime...), his knowledge is expanding QUICKLY. Many words are still a little unclear, but because I'm "mommy", I can understand what he wants. Here are some new words the little booger has begun to say:

Wa'er - Water
Pees - Please (no longer just the long "E" sound we were hearing before. He has actually added CONSONANTS).
Poop - Self Explanatory...I don't see a need to expand on that, do you? Ew.
Hep - Help
Mower - More
Dod - Dog
Mauw - Cat (we're still working on the "K" sound)
Tee - Tree
Choo Choo - Train.
Rang - Rain
O Daba Daba - Yo Gabba Gabba (goody)
Wow wow - Wow Wow Wubsy
A Bup! - A Bug! (he's not really fond of the flying ones)
Arf - Bear (our dog)
Voom - Car (again, still working on the "K" sound)
Yayo - Yoda (Weenie is a HUGE Star Wars geek)
Pup - Cup (again, "K" sound)

Then there are my favorite (sarcasm) words of all....
"NO!" and "MINE!"

I think, as a parent, we ALL dread the day that our children learn those words....especially if they have siblings. When Triscuit was little, we never heard the word "mine" come from his mouth. He didn't have anyone to compete with...but Toblerone? I think the word "mine" is his favorite word to say. Then, of course, Triscuit just exacerbates the problem by egging him on. Take today, for instance....

While we were doing phonics, Triscuit decides to shove his pencil in Toblerone's face and say, "Toblerone...this is MY pencil." Now, is that NOT egging Toblerone on? Of COURSE it is. Toblerone responds with a shriek, takes a lunge for the pencil and begins to scream..."MINE! MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE, MINE!!!!" Of course, Triscuit is smiling a very ornery smile the entire time Toblerone is throwing a fit. Then there's me....trying to contain a 45 pound 2 year old. Needless to say, my arms are sore.

The OTHER word that just rubs me the wrong way is, "NO". The only thing is, he thinks it's FUNNY when he says "NO". Example:

Mum: "Toblerone...pick up your toys and put them in the toy basket."

Toblerone: "No." (said with a smile)

Mum: "Don't tell Mama 'No'! Pick up your toys....NOW."

Toblerone: "No!" (head shaking 'No' at the same time)

Mum: "1.....2......3!"

As I get up from my chair to do some "hands on" motivation, he gets up and RUNS. The entire time he's running...he's LAUGHING. As upset as I am at him, I have a REALLY hard time keeping a straight face. He's doing this hysterical laugh! He's laughing SO hard that he has a hard time running. BUT...once I get a hold of him, he realizes that Mommy isn't joking. In case you haven't noticed, I have a hard time "physically" punishing my kids. My dad was the only one that spanked my sister and I. My mom just yelled. I'm learning, QUICKLY, that yelling doesn't work. They tune me out SO fast. I've tried time out, I've tried the "1,2,3" method. None of these work really well. The ONLY thing they respond to is the spoon (or Weenie). I really HATE using it. For those of you that have boys, I would LOVE some input on how you deal with these issues.

Another thing that Toblerone has been doing lately is barging in on you while you are in the loo. Because he can no longer be contained by anything inert (unless it's a double bolted door AND the key is somewhere he can't reach), the whole house is fair game. He seems to have this sixth sense when someone is in the bathroom. I've tried sneaking out of the room to take a quick respit. I've even tried going with NO light on....he STILL hunts you down. It's like "Jaws"....

Du nu..du nu....du nu, du nu, du nu....

*the sound of little feet clunking down the stairs*

...du nu, dunudunudunu...

*Toblerone busts through the door*

Toblerone: "MAMA! Poop?"


I have no privacy.

1 comment:

dani7girl said...

I laughed...even despite the jaws reference...but that's hillarious. I'll have to remember that if I have to use the "loo" (how British of you) when I'm there next!