Monday, September 8, 2008

Signs Your Toddler Is Teething

I'm sure those of you that are reading this (and have OLDER children) can relate to what I'm about to say. The all around frustration when your children get sick is enough to send any parent into a full blown tizzy. But when your child is TEETHING...that's another story. I'm going to list some signs...JUST for you parents out there that have YET to experience this. Consider this "Toddler Jerkiness 101".

Toblerone has been getting his 2 year molars. They've been popping through all summer and now, he has all of them except for ONE. This LAST one is letting itself be known BIG TIME.

First sign: Drooling

Imagine walking around and stepping in the occasional puddle of spit. Not the most pleasant feeling as you're walking on tile. I'm sure you can picture me slipping, on my way through the kitchen! Yeah...don't laugh TOO hard! Although Toblerone isn't this furry (or sarcastic looking), I HAVE to include this picture. I thought it was funny:

Second Sign: Diarrhea

The poor kid couldn't eat anything without exploding in his diaper about 30 minutes later. Pretty bad when you can HEAR it before he comes running over pointing to his butt. You would THINK it would have deterred him from eating...but it didn't. It just made him hungrier. His butt looked like this after day 2 of diarrhea:

Third Sign: Runny, Snotty Nose

Boogers and snot don't bother me that long as an ADULT doesn't pick a big nasty one and chase me with it, threatening to wipe it on me. Toblerone has been a snot factory for about a week. Like I said, it doesn't bother me, but it sure bothers OTHER people around me (*clears throat* TRISCUIT). "Ewwww...MOOOOOM!!!! He's wiping his snot on me!!!!" No, this is NOT Toblerone...and I tried to find the NICEST snot nose pic on the net. Be thankful I didn't post a REALLY nasty one (trust me...there were PLENTY).

Fourth Sign: Fever

Triscuit got HIGH fevers when he was getting his molars. True to the familiar pattern, so does Toblerone. We aren't talking 100 degrees...we are talking anywhere between 101 and 102.7. I HATE it when Toblerone gets fevers! He doesn't act all THAT bad when the fever comes on...but as the days progress (they usually last for about 2-3 days), he starts in with the fifth sign (you will see in a second). Poor baby...he gets all glassy eyed and flushed. He is EXTREMELY hot to the touch and is a LITTLE bit lethargic (not much though). Again, you would THINK that his appetite would diminish...but NOOOOO....not with Toblerone! I actually got him on camera in June with one of his FIRST fevers:


This is the most IRRITATING and ANNOYING sign/symptom of them all! I swear, they have a "jerk" button in their hypothalamus (fever center of the brain). As SOON as that temp goes OUT! Whining will ensue along with crying, hitting and throwing/kicking (if your kid has a temper). The dreaded "NO" becomes more prominent the worse he feels. He also becomes a 45 pound fit throwing little Tasmanian devil/rag doll (depending on just WHAT you are trying to do to/with him). Regardless of just HOW bad my kids feel, I will not LET them get away with jerky behavior. Toblerone is at an age where he KNOWS he's doing something wrong AS HE'S DOING IT. Let's take today, for instance. He looked at me, looked at Triscuit, looked at me AGAIN then KICKED Triscuit in the butt (HARD). I got up to give him a swat and WHAT did he do? He RAN from me. Once I caught up to him, he sat on his butt! You can't tell me that 2 year olds don't know what they are doing! Little booger! I have yet to get a good pic of Toblerone throwing a fit, so here is something for the visual factor:

Now, please don't think I'm being an insensitive mother...I'm all BUT insensitive. I HATE it when my kids don't feel good. I become MY mother (God bless her...and no Mom, that's NOT a slam in any way, shape or form)....falling all over them, waiting on them hand and foot (of course, for the most part, I do that anyway with Toblerone), taking their temperatures every hour or so, making them take naps, giving them medicine (if needed), and not getting much sleep because I worry. "Mother Hen" comes to mind (granted...I, physically, look NOTHING like this. I'm not this plump and I'm only GUESSING here, but I don't think I would taste good with lemon pepper on me).

For you "experienced" parents out there.....let me know if I've missed anything, will you? I will GLADLY add to this list! I would also like to know from the lot of you, just what YOUR experiences are/were with teething. It will be nice to know that I'm not alone!


Anonymous said...

Symptom 5 has nothing to do with is that Y chromosome that all men carry!!! :) Anytime they get a little bit sick, they are in full blown jerkiness. But a woman, specifically a mother, isn't allowed that. We have to carry on no matter what!

kbd224 said...

Yep, that about sums it up! I have nothing to add except that I'm sorry you're going through this right now.

Ashley. Unscripted... said...

If I could be pregnant for six more months and give birth to children with teeth, I would. Totally. Teething is a special kind of hell.