Monday, December 1, 2008

*Ding* Fries Are Done

I know...obscure title, but since it's December, the traditional Christmas music has been shoved down our throats since Thanksgiving day (and mind you, that was only 4 days ago). Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas and I do enjoy Christmas music, but holy crap people! Does it have to be on 24/7 EVERYWHERE you go? Since traditional Christmas music gets a little old after a while, I have a tendency to find the "odd" Christmas songs. One of my favorites is, "Ding, Fries are Done". Artist: I wish I knew. Anyway, here's the link so you guys can listen to it. Yes...the guys sounds a little "special", but it's funny nonetheless.

On that note...yes...Christmas is here. We actually got into the holiday spirit the day after Thanksgiving. We re-arranged furniture, put up the tree (fake. I refuse to have a real Christmas tree until Toblerone calms down a bit), hung lights on the house and then went to decorate the tree. What did we find? BREAKABLE ornaments. When Triscuit was little, he rarely got into anything. He listened REALLY well to what we told him (*Sigh*...what happened to that?). When he was told to stay away from the tree, he did so. As for Toblerone? He seems to do the exact OPPOSITE of what you tell him to do. So, instead of risking it, we went and bought PLASTIC, shatter-proof ornaments. Good thing too. Here's what it's been like for the past 3 days.

Mum: "Toblerone! Do NOT pull on the tree!"

What does he do? Yup...he pulls on the tree. Yes, he got in trouble. Did it phase him? No. The only person that he responds to is Weenie. The only time he will respond to me is when I get the spoon.

Mum: "Toblerone! Stop throwing the ball at the tree!"

What does he do? He throws the ball at the angel on top of the tree. The kid has GREAT aim and hits the angel topper. With a hard thud, the angel lands on the floor. Good thing it was plastic.

Here's my favorite...

Mum: "Toblerone! Leave the ornaments alone!"

He turns a deaf ear. I'm yelling at him to stop. I try the "1, 2, 3" method, I try pulling him away from the tree, then I try the dreaded spanking method (and as I've mentioned, he isn't afraid of MY spankings unless the spoon is in hand). All the while, he's yelling, "Mama! Ball! Ball! Ball!!!" I try and explain that the ornaments are not balls for him to play with. What does he do? He finds another ball (I swear, he has a stash somewhere), a FOOTBALL (the most damage causing ball you can find) and begins to take aim. Before I knew it, there were at least 5 ornaments on the floor. So...guess what? All balls (of ANY kind) are NOT allowed in this house! Not until Christmas is over, anyway!
If my family is reading this....there are 3 things I want you to remember:

1. If you get Toblerone a ball, please make sure it's a Nerf ball or a stuffed ball of some sort. Yes, those can still cause damage, but at least the damage will be minimal.

2. Do NOT buy us anything breakable. Unless my boys decide they are going to mature beyond their years, the rough housing, fighting, throwing, etc...will NOT stop until they move out. Trust me....Weenie is the oldest of 5 boys. They STILL rough house when together.

3. If/When you come over and see chipped paint, spots on the floor, dirty hand prints/pencil markings on the wall, and a pile of "to be fixed" items in a corner? Remember...I have boys. As much as I try and mold them into well-behaved children, there is still that ornery streak that NEVER goes away. I love my children and I love their personalities. I wouldn't want them to be any different..but dear God in NOT get us anything nice! I'm sure you've heard the phrase, "And THIS is why we can't have nice things!" Well, imagine TWO of these (in human form, of course):

1 comment:

kbd224 said...

I got so engrossed in youtube videos, I almost forgot to come back and keep reading your post! I'm glad I came back though. It reminded me how thankful I should be that I only have one boy! Don't get me wrong, my daughter get into things, but she's not as rough as my son!