Sunday, October 26, 2008

*HURP*, *HURL*, and *PUKE*!!!!

There is NOTHING like having your two year old bring you a freshly laid doggy cable (dog crap, land mines, and all the other acronyms you can think of) in his chubby little fingers!


You would THINK he would get it the FIRST time Mommy gags, freaks out, continues to gag and yell at him, "NO TOBLERONE!!! NO TOUCH DOGGY POOP!" but NOOOOOO.....he had to do it AGAIN!


At THIS point in his cute little life, I'm eternally grateful that we do NOT have a cat! I can only imagine what he would do with what looks like "Almond Roca's" in a litter box!


Why do I have a feeling that the older he gets the MORE he's going to pick up on my detest for feces and TORTURE me with it????

1 comment:

Coolerboy said...

We have a very little dog, Shadow, who make very little poops. We have a small city yard, so it's generally pretty easy to keep clean. My wife and I really try to stay on top of picking up after our giant hamster/tiny dog, but sometimes we miss the little poops. Destructo seems to alternate between stepping on them or picking them up to show Mommy. The first time we caught him, he motioned to put a poop in his mouth and his Mommy about had a heart attack. Even though we didn't actually see him put anything in his mouth, Destructo's mommy called poison control. Destructo has managed to poop in his bath twice, but fortunately for us he's never played with it.