It appears that Weenie had carried a really NASTY cold virus home from work. Toblerone was the FIRST one to get it. He was snotting all over the place, cranky, whiny, and had REALLY GOOPY EYES (blech). He was a pretty sick little boy for about 4 days. Just as he was getting better, I GOT IT. I will give you a day to day play by play....
Days 1 and 2 - I contracted the evil cold well over a week ago. Weenie even had to stay home to take care of the kids (and do school with Triscuit) for the first 2 days. I wanted to do NOTHING BUT SLEEP. Ever coughed and sneezed at the same time? Guess what? Any air trapped ANYWHERE else ALSO comes out (good thing I was downstairs).
Day 3 - I woke up then SAT up in bed and felt like someone was hammering a nail into my ear. Now, because I haven't had an ear infection since I was 6, I didn't know for sure WHAT was going on. I made a doctors appointment and he confirmed inner and outer ear infection. YAY FOR ME. He gave me an antibiotic ear drop and an oral antibiotic...Bactrim DS. He leaves me with this little tidbit of information: "If your ear doesn't clear up by the time the antibiotics are gone, we will have to tube you." I give him a look as to say, "JUST FREAKIN' LOVELY" and go get the scrips filled. I take the first pill that evening.
Day 4 - I wake up and for SOME reason, I felt WORSE than I had the day was like the antibiotic wasn't helping at all. As the next 24 hours progressed, my inner ear was completely full of fluid and I had little to NO hearing in that ear.
Day 5 - Morning rolls around, and as I'm making breakfast, Weenie comes into the kitchen and tries to converse with me. Of COURSE he was talking in the ear that was hurting, so I didn't even realize he was talking at all! I look over at him and see his lips moving and say, "What? Are you talking to me? You have to talk in my GOOD ear!" If you don't want to be teased relentlessly for days on end, you need to THINK before you SPEAK! He went as far as to get a glass out of the cabinet, put it up to my ear, and YELL into it. He just about had a glass where the sun does NOT shine.
Day 6 - I wake up and still, no relief. I figured I would give it another day to see if the medicine was working. Oh...and by now, BOTH boys have the cold (Toblerone contracted it AGAIN).
Day 7 - I wake up ....STILL no relief. I called the doctors office to let them know that it wasn't working. They tell me to continue taking the antibiotics as well as to continue taking the Mucinex D. Boys are still sick and even MORE ornery than they usually are. *sigh*......
Day 8 - I wake up in the morning and guess what? I can't hear in one ear, the other is now acting up AND I have NO voice. Talk about FRUSTRATING!!! Good thing I can see or Weenie would have had his own Helen Keller to deal with. Because I'm a GOOD girl, I continue taking the antibiotics as directed by my physician.
Day 9 - Still no change when I wake up, but in the afternoon, I start to itch. I look on my arms and I have hives. Thinking that it was some OTHER allergen in the air, I ignore it. I take the second dose of Bactrim DS and HOLY CRAP, I AM COVERED WITH HIVES!!!! I have been taking Benedryl every 4 hours for the past 12 hours and because I itch like someone dipped me in honey and PLACED me on an ant hill, I can't sleep! I'm feeling like your stereotypical ditsy blond with a SERIOUS case of antsypantitis. If you could see the way I'm acting right now, you would probably wonder if I had taken my Ritalin this morning (that was a joke...I'm not on Ritalin).
Yes...I DID place a call to the doctors office to inform them that, AGAIN, the medication is NOT working and now has made my everyday life just a LITTLE more challenging than it was already! No...they have NOT called me back yet.
Did I mention that this sucks duck feathers? I'm EXTREMELY disappointed and angry at my Mommy Immune System. So Immune System??? I say THIS:
1 comment:
I'm sorry that you're sick. I hate being sick and having to take care of the kids. Hope you get some answers and feel better soon.
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