Thursday, July 3, 2008


I'm sure some of you are looking at the title and wondering, "What do you mean 'fur'?" Please make sure you aren't drinking anything. I don't want to hear, "I shot my drink out of my nose".

When I was talking to my Mom about the "Melmo and Lost Teefeses" posts, she reminded me of something Triscuit did last year on our trip to Nebraska. She asked me NOT to write about it, but it's just too funny NOT to share it with the rest of you. Sorry Mom...I have to!

While on our trip last year, we went to a mall after church. As every little kid does, he cries out, "DADDY! I NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!" Mind you, we (well, Weenie) taught Triscuit how to pee SITTING DOWN (it saves you having to clean urine splatter off the surrounding walls and floors). Up to this point, Triscuit has NEVER peed standing up. They walk into the bathroom to discover all the stalls were being occupied. As Triscuit stood there dancing the pee-pee dance, the only option was the urinal. As Weenie was instructing Triscuit how to do it, I guess he thought, "I'll SHOW him". Apparently, Triscuit was REALLY concentrating on just WHAT to do. As they stood there taking care of business, Triscuit looked at Weenie and said, "Daddy? When will I have fur?" Weenie had a VERY hard time keeping a straight face. Weenie's response was, "You will have fur when you get older." Triscuit looked up at Weenie and said, "Mommy has fur too. I wasn't supposed to look, but I did...and I SAW it." After Weenie told me this, the thought in MY mind was, "When was Triscuit around to see that I had fur!?!?" I'm the type of mom that doesn't believe kids should see their parents naked. Not only is it subjecting them to wonder about things BEFORE it's time (although with boys, I often wonder if they ever STOP thinking about it), but I don't want to be the subject matter of a psychological visit later on in Triscuit's life. I can hear him now, "I can't get the image of my Mother out of my head!" Freud would have had a hay day with that one.
The innocence of childhood. Don't you wish they could STAY that way?

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