Wednesday, July 2, 2008

MELMO!!!'s not MELMO, it's ELMO. That's Toblerone's word.
Weenie and I have embarked on the ever-so-fun task of potty training Toblerone. Because I was working full time when Triscuit was at that age, the sitter I had for him did all the potty training FOR me. This is the first time I've had to start the potty training process. Of course, I needed suggestions and a friend of mine told me about, "Elmo's Potty Time". The first time I watched it, I cracked up (as did Triscuit). Since repetition is key with toddlers, we watch this DVD at LEAST 3 times a day. After the first few times, the hilarity fades quickly. After the fiftieth time, it becomes ANNOYING and IRRITATING! Just to give you a clue as to what we are watching, here is a picture:

Some of you reading this don't have children and I'm sure the picture is irritating enough for you. Imagine being in MY shoes. Although relentlessly annoying, it seems to be working. Before we bought the DVD, we bought the potty chair. Unless your kid KNOWS what it is, he will look at you as if to say, "What the heck is this? Why is it cold? What am I supposed to do with THIS? Where's my flippin' diaper?" That's EXACTLY what Toblerone did. After he watches the thing, he will come over to me and literally BEAT his crotchral area, give an excited grunt, then RUN over to the potty chair and POINT with enthusiasm! He won't STOP beating himself until you take his diaper off and place him on the potty chair. He's been successful all of 3 times, but hey...trial and error is a part of life.

This is what I see when he's on the potty (look at the hands):

What's up with THAT? Human nature...I know. It's still embarrassing.


Coolerboy said...

After reading this post, I ordered a copy of the Elmo potty training video for for our 19 month old son. He runs over to the tv the second he hears Elmo, but loses interest after a few minutes. Amazon also listed an Elmo potty training book, so I ordered that too. He loves the book. That's good except the book has a little strip of buttons on the side that make a bunch of sounds (toilet flushing, elmo screaming hooray, ...etc.). While I initially thought all this Elmo stuff was cute, I am starting to get tired of his high pitched shrill voice. That does not bode well, since I am sure I have several years of Elmo ahead of me.

Mum of Two said...

Coolerboy...Good luck! Elmo will definately test your ability to stay sane. You know you've had enough when you start dreaming about Elmo!

I've tried to contact you back by e-mail, but your blogger account doesn't list any contact info.