Thursday, October 30, 2008

Toblerone's First Black Eye

While at the in-laws house last Sunday, Toblerone and his cousin "Z" were playing with a plastic baseball bat. "Z" accidentally whacked Toblerone in the eye with it. Not the greatest pictures (I'm requesting a camera for Christmas), but, they give you the basic idea of what happened. I'm sure this will NOT be his last black eye, either!

Every time something like this happens, I get another gray hair. I'm convinced I will be gray by the time I'm 40 with TWO rough and tumble boys!


This will be me in 5 years (except not a man). Thought I would forewarn you.


kbd224 said...

Poor baby! Although I'm surprised that it took that long to get the first black eye! Maybe my kids are just clumsy! I swear, my kids always have bumps and bruises. I've made the comment that the teachers are going to call cys on me!

Ditsy Chick said...

Congrats on your first shiner! I am sure there are many more to come.