Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Crudeness with Elmo

Why is it part of human nature to find crude things funny? That's something I've wondered for a long time. Regardless of what the "scientific" answer may be, we all STILL laugh. The crudeness I'm talking about is farting, burping and things to do with the nether regions of ones' body. I'm JUST as guilty as the next person. I giggle like an adolescent boy when someone trouser coughs or lets a really good burp fly! What I DON'T understand is the fascination a boy has with crotchral area. I'm sure you are anxious to read what Triscuit has done now, so I won't keep you waiting any longer.

One evening, I was cleaning and preparing dinner, when I walk into the dining room to find this on the dining room table:
I thought, "Hmmm. Maybe Toblerone was playing around and didn't realize what he was doing." I wasn't going to think the worst. So, I separated the lightsaber and Elmo and put them in different areas. Meantime, Weenie comes home from work. As I'm bustling about getting food dished up on plates and placed on the table, I run into it again....Elmo with the lightsaber between his legs. THIS time, I question Triscuit.

Mum: "Triscuit? Did YOU do this?"

Triscuit: *Smirking* "Yes."

Mum: "Why?" (and TRUST me...I had to cover my mouth to hide my smile. Try sounding authoritative with a smile on your face! It's impossible!)

Triscuit: *Shrugs shoulders*.

By this time, the jig is up and Triscuit sees me trying to hide my he comes out with it.

Triscuit: "Because Elmo needed a thingy."

Mum: *Visibly and audibly LAUGHING my head off* "Honey...that's not nice."

I look over at Weenie and he's laughing, too. We make eye contact and it's over. We are laughing so hard we are crying.

Mum: *Still laughing hysterically* "Weenie, you need to talk to your son."

Weenie: *Throws his hands up in the air as to say, 'What am I supposed to do about it'?

Mum: "He's your son...!"

Weenie: *Trying to compose himself*.."Triscuit...that's rude and wrong. Don't EVER do that again. You wouldn't want Grandma and Grandpa to see you doing that, would you?" (Triscuit has a healthy fear of Weenie's Dad).

Triscuit: "No."

Mum: "What if PA (my Dad) were to see you doing that?"

Triscuit: "He'd laugh."

Uh...yeah. My mothering years are going to be FULL of laughter with THIS kid. least I will have HAPPY wrinkle lines!

By the way, my Dad DID laugh!


Anonymous said...

Now thats auntie renren's lil trisquit in full swing!!! LOL

Ashley. Unscripted... said...

And now I have a bruise on my knee from where I just fell off my chair from laughing. OMG

FWIW, I won't let Wee One play with his TMX Elmo anymore. I caught him having a "special moment" with Elmo and it freaked me out a bit. I permanently removed the batteries.

Anonymous said...

maybe if you didn't call Chris "Weenie", your kids wouldn't be adding weenies to Elmo!!!